The FERB has a mandatory application procedure: effective from July 1, 2019 staff members are obliged to submit every research project for ethical review.
For new data collections, the research project must be submitted to the FERB by the researcher with primary responsibility for the project before the start of the data collection.
Please note that if you are planning to make a new application for a study which is similar to an already approved protocol you can choose to select the approved application you created in the past, and use it as the starting point for the new application. You only need to adjust those fields in the application which are different in respect to the earlier approved application.
For a preview of the several application forms:
PRIDE Questionnaire for approval Single Study
PRIDE Questionnaire for approval Research Program
PRIDE Questionnaire for approval Existing Data
For amendments choose the option ‘select an approved application I created in the past’, and use it as the starting point for the amendment. Please also upload a Word-document in the application in which you describe which adjustments to the study are needed and why.
Students must fill out their application in UU-SER.
This procedure applies to everyone within the FSBS who actively conducts research as part of a tenured or non-tenured position.
Bachelor’s and one-year and two-year Master’s students must apply for approval of their thesis in UU-SER.
However, it may be that you yourself as a researcher believe that your study should be reviewed in view of, for instance, the participation of human subjects or for the purpose of a publication, grant or otherwise.
The following is a step-by-step plan in order to ascertain if, and by which body, your study should be reviewed.
As of May 25th 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has come into force – posing new demands on any organization that processes personal data. Considering the nature of its scientific focus, many of the research conducted at the faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences is not only subject to the VSNU code for academic practice, but likely also to legislation such as the GDPR.
In order to safeguard compliance with (inter) university codes of conduct and legislation, all FSBS research will be subject to review by the faculty’s ethical review board (FERB). Through FERB review, individual researchers will comply to the GDPR, the UU research data handling framework, in line with the VSNU code of conduct for scientific practice. More importantly, researchers:
- will be able to receive adequate support in drafting (GDPR-proof) communication to (potential) participants (consent and information letters);
- will be able to receive adequate support in drafting formal agreements when exchanging data (data processing agreements, data transfer agreements);
- receive formal ethical approval of their study.